We don’t just meet. We move.

Compass Strategies was born to impact policy from the outside in, and from the bottom up.

This is because real change only happens when you bring people together. We’ve cultivated relationships with the decision makers who understand this concept and we leverage those relationships to move agendas. Compass Strategies takes that understanding and combines government relations work with on-the-ground action that builds local consensus and forms coalitions. Our public relations arm then presents the proposed impacts to the masses. So by the time our clients are in a room with policymakers, their ideas already have momentum behind them. It’s not always the easiest route to take — it’s the one that works.

We’ve been a part of real change in our state.

  • Detroit janitors secure a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

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Social change is always contentious, but you don’t build a reputation by shying away from the hard fights.

We’re very selective when we choose projects, and we’re effective in part because we move ethically, which allows us to maintain the trust of policymakers and communities in the long term. Our reputation is everything, and we work to build on it every day.

We didn’t come this far to sell out.